Thursday, May 28, 2009


I got to yoga on Monday night and hadn't been in over a week and a half due to all my travels, the flu, and laziness.  When I got there, Rocio (the big boss of the English Program in the whole state) was already there, which was strange.  She almost always arrives late and she usually gives me a ride home.  She struck up a conversation with me and told me she had been worried about me since I hadn't been to yoga.  She knew I came every chance I could and since she hadn't seen me, she was afraid something had happened.  She said if I hadn't come that night, she was going to call me to make sure I was okay.
She also mentioned that she had some school stuff to talk to me about and would take me home if I didn't already have a ride so we could discuss it.  Perfect.
Yoga was okay.  It's always tough when you miss for awhile.  It feels hotter, more humid and just tough.
We rode home and Rocio continued with her praise and thanks for my being here (as if I've done them some huge favor) and then tells me about this video she's working on.  It's about the English program and they do it every year.  Kind of a synopsis including all the numbers for the year.  Since it's still a relatively new program,  they include how many new schools have been served, the progress of students, and certification of teachers.  She said that the narration is in Spanish since most of the people listening to the presentation are not English speakers (parents, educational administration).  She told me she'd like some footage of me teaching to be able to include that in the video as well as use me to make an English version of the video to be able to take back with me as a souvenir.  I was more than willing of course.  I also offered the video footage I already had to save them from having to come video me at school.  She thought that sounded great.  She dropped me off and told me she'd be in touch.  Perfect.

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