Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ángeles y Demonios

The plan was for Topete to pick us up at 8:50 for the 9:30 movie.  He got there a little after 9 and Alma was not yet ready.  He had first picked up Pirru (whose rancho we use for birthdays), who has a history with Alma and a girlfriend who is out of town.  Alma and I had had a really good talk that afternoon about all that drama.
She meets us outside and tells us that Quinantzin was at a café and was going to meet us there, so we needed to pick up Iván and Mayra from Mayra's house.  We got to Mayra's and she came out at the same time that Iván showed up to park his motorcycle in her garage.  Six of us were not going to fit in Topete's miniature car, so finally we got it all settled that they would take Mayra's car.  (A very Mexican encounter.)  Once we get to the movies, it only got more Mexican.  We stood in line for the tickets (this time Alma only had two passes) and as soon as we got up there (9:40 for the 9:30 show), they were out of tickets.  That was almost a blessing because we had been debating which time to go (9:30 or the Spanish version at 10:30) but Mayra and Iván hadn't gotten there yet and we didn't want to make a decision without them.
The got there and we explained the situation.  Alma didn't want to see the Spanish version.  We could stay for Wolverine at 10, but most of us wanted Angels and Demons.
Alma checked her phone for the times at another theater and we started walking out the door.  Of course, we walked slowly and had to stop several times to make the plan of who would drive and could we all fit in one car (we now had Quinantzin with us, too).  
My world: we find out all the times of the movie we want to see at several different theaters.  We choose the one we want (the day before) and buy tickets before the show (someone who lives close to the theater).  We show up and sit down.  
My Mexican world: We get to the theater and wait in line without a plan.  A wrench is thrown into the mix.  We regroup.  We leave.  We debate who will drive and where we'll go.  We end up there, an hour after the first plan would've started.
It bugs me sometimes.  Honestly.  But I'll miss it when I'm home.  Honestly.

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