Friday, May 8, 2009


Friday I awoke around 9 ready for the day and prepared to pack a suitcase (or a backpack, but not to the brim since this was a skydiving plane and we had a hard enough time fitting 6 people in there minus luggage!) at a moment's notice if Iván called to let me know we were going.
I didn't hear and didn't hear.  When Alma got up, she told me she had been invited by her high school friends to go to Mazatlán and since she needed to get away from Culiacán to stop thinking about Lenin, she took them up on it.  I had already told her that I might be going to Guadalajara.  Around noon, when I still hadn't heard from Iván and Alma was out the door, I decided to be pro-active about my 5 day weekend.  I had wanted to go to the "Grand Canyon of Mexico" in February when we'd had a four day weekend, but that ended up being the weekend I moved out (in other news, Mabel is pregnant) so I never went.  It was on my list of "must sees," so I got online to get some ideas about hotels and where to stop on the train ride.
I asked Mamá Alma if she'd be home in the afternoon (she usually only works mornings at the church, but they were having a festival for Children's Day and the afternoon worker had been sick).  We discussed that I wanted to go on a road trip and would need a ride to the bus station.  I, of course, could easily take a taxi if she needed to work.  She told me she did need to work but that she would come home and get me at whatever time I said.  I decided 4 since I was still doing laundry and had yet to pack.  That would get me on the bus surely by 5 and to Mochis by 8pm to spend the night in a hotel there.  The train leaves at 6am daily, so I knew I wanted to be in Mochis before midnight.
She also told me that if for some reason she couldn't make it home, her sister Gaby (who rode with us to the airport to take Mom when she left at 5am) would be by to pick me up.
Gaby got there and greeted me with a wave instead of a kiss, blaming the flu precautions.
We loaded the car (that doesn't have air) and Gaby commented that I sure have a lot of clothes.  I wasn't really sure what to pack, so when in doubt, pack it all.  I had also packed my travel book, Eat, Live, Pray, and a journal in addition to my laptop.  As usual, I was traveling heavy.

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