Thursday, May 21, 2009

Early start/Late start

Tuesday was my departure day, and keeping in the Seize the Day theme, I decided to 6 am hike it to the sunrise and video it for my DVD.  I just knew I would regret it if I didn't, and this is a year of no regrets (this no regrets thing can wear you out!).  My alarm went off at 5:50.  I turned it off and rolled over.  I didn't fall back asleep, and I mentally beat myself up for being lazy and staying in bed.  I shot outta there at five after six and ran the first 10 minutes of the hike.  Not good!  I was out of breath and hadn't taken water with me this time since I'd just be going for the sunrise and not for a two hour hike.
I took my three breaks and found the spot easily.  I did my own meditation (minus the annoying yoga breathing) and videoed the whole thing.  The video was just as disappointing as the pictures were, but I'd have never known that if I'd stayed in bed!
Around 6:50, I started making my way back down.  There seemed to be many options for going down while there had seemed to be one clear path on the way up.  Hmmm.  I got all nervous and could see the documentary on hiking alone.  Oops!  But I made it.  In only 10 more minutes than the ascent.  That means I only got a little lost.  
I got back to the room and showered, realizing I was not going to do the free 20 hour hike since it would take me to the same places I'd been on horseback and since I'd seen all I needed to say.
I had heard that classes would be cancelled until Monday, May 11, but it hadn't been confirmed yet.  I was busy making mental plans for my new extended vacation, but was waiting to hear back from Maribel.

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