Saturday, May 30, 2009

More of my babies...

This, by contrast, is my angelic group of first graders.  The ones with the nurturing teacher (which by default makes me more nurturing with them than with the others- although the fact that I get things thrown at me in the other class doesn't improve their chances for being nurtured!).  
This video is from Wednesday (because videos and pictures are such a pain with blogger, this one is out of order) as the first graders were taking a test.  I hadn't told them in advance because I didn't want them to study- they had been prepared more than enough in class.  This class blows me away.  
We had done the first section of the test (4 questions).  The second section was a little difficult and sometimes first graders have trouble understanding the logic behind tests, so I explained to them what they would do.  There was a picture at the left of lots of different animals.  There were different numbers of each animal.  Then there was a sentence and they had to circle the correct number word.  I read them the first sentence and before I finished, they were reading aloud along with me.
In this video, you'll see them helping me with number three, which means they'd already had practice with one and two before I thought to film it.  The sentence they are reading is:  There are three/five cats.  They don't answer because it's a test.  They just had to circle the correct answer.  The most vocal girl (to the right of the center) is Ximena.  She's my star student and future teacher.  She talks too much and bosses the other kids, but she loves school, English, and learning.

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