Friday, May 29, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

I got home from school, ate and napped.  Such the life I lead!  Late afternoon, Alma got home with Karina and Ocyé.  We all piled onto Alma's bed and chatted.  There was new Lenin drama.  It turns out he already was going out with another girl and Mayra had called Alma to tell her that she had seen them dancing together at a party back when Alma and he were still together.  The new girl is one of Karla's friends, so it's made it hard for the whole group to hang out.  We spent an hour or so talking about boys ("They're all the same!"  "They're all immature!") and breakups.  About why girls always end up making the same mistakes.
I had watched He's Just Not That Into You this week since I had bought it in Puebla.  I suggested we watch it when we were discussing possible options.  Johana had gotten there in the middle of it all and was stressed about something and chowing down on some chicken strips from Wings.  We debated for about 15 minutes about the details (Alma's car was downtown an they had come the three of them in Karina's car.  Johana had her car.  We needed to pick up Alma's car, but everyone wanted to ride together.)  I explained that this was another major difference in Mexico and the US (at least my US); when it was time to go, there would've been no conversation.  We would've all gotten up, gotten in our cars, and gone.  There's no need to ride together when you're about to be together again.
Off we went.  Johana and Ocyé drove straight to the raspados place that had been closed on Sunday and Karina, Alma and I went to get Alma's car.  
We got our raspados, and this place is as good as Mabel's place.  In fact, it's in the same neighborhood (which happens to be the same block where her dad lives!).  From there, we drove to Johana's house (she does not live with her family like everyone else- I'm not sure why) which is the privada next to Mabel's.  
I considered dropping in.  Yeah right.
We watched the movie in English with Spanish subtitles.  The translations were awful, which I'm guessing is what happens with a pirated movie.  The girls loved it, though.  It's a great movie.  It's a chick flick, sure, but a good one.
We were out of there by midnight.  We all laughed that we were turning in so early!

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