Friday, May 29, 2009

And hurt it did....

At 7, I got a text from Alma.  She hadn't been able to sleep, so she was texting all of us thanking us for being supportive instead of texting Lenin to let him have it, which is what she really wanted to do.  That woke me up and I had a hard time going back to sleep.  I wasn't about to get out of bed though.  I fell back asleep around 10 and got a two hour nap before I woke up again.  I stayed in bed, checking email, making lists, and reading, hoping to get tired again.
I spent most of the day closed up in my room.  Alma had left around 5 with the girls, but she thought I was asleep, so she let me be.  I was fine getting in bed again around 10 when she still wasn't home!

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