Thursday, May 28, 2009

5 day week

Mom and Lori had both given me a really hard time for finally having a five day week.  Well, I accidentally made it a four day week.  I didn't get up when my alarm went off and by the time I did get up, I didn't have time to get ready before Guille got to our meeting spot.  So I sent her and the principal and Sandra texts saying that I wouldn't be coming in and would see them Friday (I had to go administer the test at Josefa on Thursday).  No big deal; that's how it's done in Mexico.
I did, however, have to go to the English office to drop off the video footage I had for Rocio to use in the end-of-year video.  I hadn't burned the disc, but I had made a folder with the photos and videos.  I took my computer, charger and disc to the office and burned it while there.  It's a really fun place to just hang- especially when I have something to do.
I left the DVD with Ana Luisa, who was going to make sure it got to Rocio and I went on my way.  I went for a run around 6 and enjoyed my cold shower after!

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