Friday, May 8, 2009

Rinse and Repeat....

Mondays are just...Mondays.  I'm never ready for them.  Mostly because the weekend is usually jam packed full.  Also because I have come to terms that I have not taught what I was supposed to this year.  I think my students have learned a lot both in subject matter and life lessons (including dealing with another culture), but I have not done all that I should have book-wise with them...
At any rate, I got to school on Monday, sat through honores and went to my first first grade class.  In the middle of it (please remember that this is the one I don't love), the PE teacher came in.  Of course he had to give me my kiss (Bleh!  Enough already!), and then he told me that it was basically "field day," which I already knew from the signs outside the computer room.  However, on Thursday, when I was teaching half of my second graders since the other half were at home, the principal had come in to tell them (this is how messages get to parents- the principal goes from classroom to classroom telling the kids- don't get me started) that Monday would be the sports day, but only 5 students from each class would participate.  The teachers would select the students but they should invite their parents to attend.
I figured I'd still be teaching, but much like on Thursday- with half of a class.
As he interrupted my class, he told me that not many parents had come and he'd like the students to come out and watch, was that okay?
I said yes it was fine because my heart wasn't in it anyway.  He must've misunderstood (actually, he probably understood, but it's very Mexican to keep explaining something) because he went into it again about how it was sports day and no parents had come and yada yada yada.  I wanted to call my friends to come and give him a chorus of "shoosh!"
I went to the computer lab to surf away my Monday blues.  In came the principal to tell me that we wouldn't have classes until May 6 (we were already set to be out May 1, 4 and 5, so really this was just three extra days) as a preventative measure for the flu.
While I was waiting for recreo and the afternoon classes (or not), Iván called telling me that "they" (whoever they were) were going to eat sushi and a friend of his wanted me to come.  Actually, he started with what are you doing tonight, good you're going to sushi with us because a friend of mine wants you to come.  So I was suckered in.  I actually was excited because I hadn't had sushi in over a month and had been craving it.
I finished the school day and went home to study for my Spanish test that afternoon.  I walked to Spanish class, but before I got there, a classmate stopped me saying Centro de Idiomas was closed for the flu until May 6.  I wasn't surprised.  I walked back home, but with all that free time walking and listening to music (it's funny what music will do to you), I had a mild panic attack (that's an exaggeration, but I did get worked up) thinking about Patrick and his tests that day.  I hadn't heard from them and my mind had just gone to what if they call and it's bad news.  And here I am in Mexico.  And....
It was bad.  So I made my fourth or fifth international call of the year to Mom's cell.  She was in the room with Patrick, as was the doctor.  She made me feel a little better about the results of the day and then she passed me to Patrick for a minute.  He literally had about 15 seconds to talk to me since the doctor was still in the room.  I can just hear him, "I'm really sorry, but is there any chance you can wait ten seconds while I talk to my sister?  She's in Mexico and tends to freak out about family stuff.  Thanks.  Hey, Laura.  I'm fine.  These are the tests they did and all clear.  It's all going to be okay.  Love you, too.  Here's Mom."
Amazing what 15 seconds will do for a little sister.
I hung up and started crying, but a relieved, releasing crying.  I had dried up by the time I got home.

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