Saturday, May 23, 2009

Taxi! and bus!

I had seen online that there were bus rides to Culiacán until 10 pm from Mochis.  I had a feeling there were more after that hour, but I didn't want to push it!  As I've explained before, it's very Mexican to want to be the first in "line" in and out of public transportation; I don't fight it.  I was almost the last one out of our car.  However, I was the first one out of the front of the train station.  I have no idea what everyone else was doing, but I was headed for a taxi!
I had texted Alma telling her I'd be arriving at 1 at the earliest if I got a 10:00 bus.  She said it was no problem and just to let her know.
I got straight into the parking lot and walked to the first taxi man I saw.  I told him I needed to go to the central and he said okay.  He started shoving my stuff into the trunk of his station wagon.  I got in the back and was ready to go.  He walked away.  He brought back three more people.  And their stuff.  And put it in the trunk.  He asked me to move to the front so these three could sit together in the back.  Okay.  Then he came back with a fifth passenger.  Are you kidding me?!  I rolled with it.  I sat silently through everyone saying I was German and didn't speak Spanish.  I have no idea where that came from, but again I rolled.
The driver asked where we were all going.  I said to Culiacán, so we all five were taken to the bus station.  We were all charged 50 pesos.  Good thinking on the cabby's part I guess.  I felt bad for the three guys who normally would've paid 50 pesos total for a cab.  Injustice.
I was practically running (with my too many things) into the bus station to secure my ticket before they supposedly shut down for the night.  No worries.  My bus wouldn't leave until 11.  What?!  Ugh.  I made my way to the waiting room and used the restroom.  I had not eaten on the train in hopes of having a decent supper in the bus station.  I know that sounds strange, but Culiacán's bus station has lots of options and many of them are actually delicious.  Los Mochis bus station had two vending machines.  Awesome.  Neither one worked.  Even more awesome.  I was afraid I would start to feel bad without food, so I took my purse and backpack (with laptop) with me and left my suitcase and basket and ran across the street to the Oxxo.  This would not be my typical move, but there seemed no other option.  I put money on my phone, got a gatorade and water and something decent to munch on (don't remember what the decent part was, but topped it off with some principe cookies!).  I texted Alma updating her with the new arrival time (2 am).  She said that was fine and she'd see me soon.  After I satisfied my hunger, I got our my computer to pass yet even more down time for the day!  At 11:15, when I still hadn't seen my bus, I went to the ticket counter to make sure I hadn't missed it.  She told me I could try to get on the bus that was out there now, but I was three seconds too late and it pulled away.  Finally at 11:30 it pulled in.  I got on, texted Alma that it would be 2:30 and fell promptly asleep until the outskirts of Culiacán.  I was certain Alma would be asleep (it was a Tuesday after all and she had to work on Wednesday- administration), so I texted telling her no big deal, I would take a taxi if I needed to.  She responded in a jiffy saying she was on her way!
She had been at a birthday (surprise surprise) dinner and was still hanging out.  Oh, Mexico!  She showed up with Juan Carlos, Mayra Loca's brother.  They died laughing at all my suitcases and baskets and went on and on about how "vaga" I was to travel here and there.  And alone.
I had no trouble falling asleep that night!

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