Monday, May 25, 2009

Sushi y Chisme (gossip)

Liliana had told me at game night at Iván's that we would be going out on Monday for sushi.  She and Rocio basically wanted to know the scoop under the pretense of being worried about Alma.
They were going at 7:30, so I skipped yoga.  We got there at 8 and they still weren't there, which meant Rocio had done the driving.  Liliana is as prompt as they come.
She also is as blunt as they come.  We spent about 15 minutes talking about the swine flu and my travels as well as what we'd all been up to on our time off.  Then, Liliana looked away, fiddled with her hair and said, "Alright Alma.  Spill it."
We all died laughing.
"We had our protocol.  We chatted for a bit.  Now let's get to it."  Oh, Liliana!
We spent about 2 hours listening to Alma rehash everything and explain it to the girls.  Of the ten pieces of sushi she had, she had eaten two by the end of the two hours!
The girls were good listeners and commenters.  They saw that Lenin was wrong and offered some good advice.  I hadn't seen them since spring break, so I was so glad to see them, but it was all the same story I'd already heard, so I was wishing I had gone to yoga...

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