Thursday, May 21, 2009

Horses and Coquetas

So at ten, I made my way out front and met Jilo.  We walked up a bit to where the horses were and saddled up.  I had to explain to him that it had been since my Brownie days that I had ridden a horse.  He seemed to think I would be a professional.  Hardy har.

We got going slowly at first.  We went through some trees and I began to wonder if we were going to get anywhere for my two hours' worth.  We came out on the edge of the canyon, though, and I was breathless again.
The view just never gets old.  We were far enough that you couldn't see the hotel anymore.  It's amazing how just a little travel changes the angle completely (I know you're saying, "This is what I've been trying to tell you" Mom).  Something that does get old, though, is the Mexican flirting.  If I have to be told one more time how pretty I am.  Or how my name is pretty but I'm prettier.  Or that I need to find a Mexican husband and stay here forever.  I just might scream.  The thing is, it's just not coming from the right people.  (Although in honesty, if it came from a cute 27-35 year old, I would be wigged out and scared of the future, so it's all the same!)  These men that are men and not "guys" just creep me out with their over the top flirtations.
We kept going, and Jilo informed me that my horse was only 3 years old.  Awesome.  Way to give me a baby!  We had to go down about 30 steps at one point and I wondered if I would slip away to the bottom of the canyon!  I survived.  
We tied the horses to some trees and walked down to this Tarahumara house.  I had seen about all I needed to see of the Tarahumara.  
As we left this home, we kept going away from the hotel.  I asked Jilo where we were going because it was already 11:30, and I was hoping to be back by lunch (And at 200 pesos an hour, I didn't need to see more of the same.  Not to mention my bum was beginning to realize what I'd been doing all morning!).  He said there were more views (more of the same) and more Tarahumara houses (pass).  I asked how long it would take to get there and he said about an hour.  I set him straight and back we went.  I'm glad I did it, but I was equally glad when it was over.  The ride back was pretty silent as I was tired of respectfully responding to all the flirty comments.

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