Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You're On in Four, Three, Two...

As I walked to school this morning, after my Happy Birthday hug and cheek-kiss from Alma's mom, I felt pity for Vasito and let him go with me.  What can I say?  I'm a softy!  As we were approaching my bus stop, a car honked at me.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Only this time, it was Mayrita.  She waved, stopped for a second and laughed that it was true that Vasito was with me!
Off she went.
I have learned form my mistakes, so when the bus finally came, I only boarded the first step, leaving my right hand out the door to push Vasito back to the street.  
Tough Love.
I spent the school day explaining to each group what they would be doing on Friday for our presentation and typing a note to their parents to help them with their "homework" tonight.
I left my cell phone number on the homework sheet because I knew there would be questions.  I was right.
The day flew by.  The funniest part was hearing the teachers complain about the custodian.  I think I heard correctly last week that she was not going to be there too much longer!
When the day was over, we walked out to the bus stop, but there was no bus, and there were no bus cleaners sitting on the curb.  Hmm.
A third grade student came running (and fell in the street and got bloody elbows) to tell us that the road was blocked and we'd have to walk to the next stop.  It was not easy.  There was a massive dirt mound we had to climb, and the heat has already started.  I'm not looking forward to July, let me tell you!

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