Saturday, March 21, 2009

Shivering all the way!

We boarded our bus with minimal stuff in our hands; we had our suitcases under the bus and we put our "carry-on" luggage in some empty seats in front of us.  We should've rethought our packing, because we were in shorts and t-shirts and this driver was intent on giving us our money's worth of air conditioning!  We were miserably cold the whole way!  Mom ended up moving to the sun side of the bus, but I knew that would only make me car sick, so I stayed in the shade and just dealt with the goosebumps.
On the way back, I got a text from Iván saying Topete was going to celebrate his actual birthday at Wings that night if we wanted to go.  I wanted Mom to meet the crowd, so we were in!  By the time we got to the bus station, had Fran pick us up, dropped things off at Alma's house and picked other things back up and returned to the hotel, it was after 7:00.  We had enough time to get settled, get showered and changed, and get going.  So we did.

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