Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The After Party

Leaving the wedding, I rode with Mayrita (we had all three come in her car) and let Alma spend some non-Laura time with Lenin.  When we got to the house, Mayrita got out, nos despidió (said goodbye to all of us), and went on home.  The three of us were ready for more parties.  Apparently Iván (Rocio's boyfriend) and his family had just moved that day into a new house, in Rocio's neighborhood no less!  It was their first day in the house and I think I heard that it was also Ivan's little brother's birthday.
As we were pulling into the neighborhood, I thought we were in the wrong place because I thought we were going to Rocio's and I knew we weren't to her street yet (you'll remember the Sunday we went to the carnaval parade in La Reforma and drove all over creation).  Turns out we were hitting another party first.  One of Lenin's friends (maybe from La Reforma, actually, based on their conversation) was having a wedding party.  Either the engagement party, or the between civil ceremony and church ceremony party.  Something.
Anyway, we got there, and most people had left.  It was approaching 11, which seemed strange.  On a Saturday night?  Maybe this party had been a day party.  That would be right.
As soon as we walked in, the groom and his bride greeted us, and Alma and I both met them for the first time.  He led us to a table and we sat.  He asked what he could get us.  We were full from good food and cake at the wedding (and it seems I had had something at the house because the thought of food was nauseating at the time), but when he asked if we wanted gelatina, Alma was all about it.  Out he came with three gel/mousse concoctions and three pieces of cake as well as three party favors of candies.  Apparently my nausea was cured because I ate all of it right then and there!
There was a couple at the table where we were sitting and after Alma and I had had an extended conversation, the girl asked me where I was from.  That, of course, led to a twenty minute conversation about the whole exchange.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that.  It's plenty to talk about, and the people I'm talking to are engaged and interested.  The bride and groom pulled up some chairs and began their portion of 20 questions.
After we had been there about 45 minutes, and after the rest of the guests were leaving, we made our way two streets down to Iván's new house.  When we got there, it was Bunche 6th Grade Center dance style.  The guys were all standing in somewhat of a circle drinking and talking while all the girls were at a table chatting and drinking.  Rocio got up so I could sit between her and Karla instead of beside two girls I didn't know.  We all caught up and they continued their talk about the trip for semana santa.  They're going to Mazanillo, which apparently is a beach town outside Guadalajara (or maybe it's far from Guadalajara, but we're flying through there).  A bit later, the group meshed and dancing, singing, and laughing ensued. Everyone there who is going to Manzanillo practically begged me to go with them.  Ashley and I had plans the first week of semana santa (yes, teachers here get a two week spring break) to travel in and around DF.  Every time I would respond that I was going to DF, I would get an overwhelming response of "WHY?!  You don't want to be with them there; we're so much more fun!"
It's good to be loved.
The night ended probably around 2 or 3 I think.  I remember it seemed early.  But we had Sunday plans that included more than just napping; we were going to meet at Liliana's to help with wedding stuff at 2ish.

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