Saturday, March 21, 2009

Much needed R&R....and food!

I think I have mentioned before that the center of a visit to Mexico is the food.  Especially here in Sinaloa, it's just divine.  There is great seafood and all the typical Mexican food is delicious as well.
We got to the hotel and hadn't had a real meal since breakfast (I hadn't had anything besides a snack), but after checking in and seeing how amazing it was, Mom decided we could wait a couple of hours and eat an early dinner.  I agreed.
We hopped on down to the pool and enjoyed the cool breeze, but full sun.  The ocean makes all the appropriate sounds, and you can see the water and hear the waves from the poolside.  This is perfect!  No need for sandy feet or bodies!
We ordered a piña colada and Mom commented on the price of 50 pesos.  I've been here long enough that I thought she was saying it was too expensive.  But when I thought about it again, I guess $3.40 for an alcoholic beverage is pretty cheap!
Mom decided she would take a walk on the beach and see what it was like.  I already knew, so I let her go by herself.  It's a great beach with soft sand and great waves.  She spent some time watching surfers while I took in the last bit of sun possible.  
We ran up to the room as the sun was making its way behind the island in front of us (5:30) and got ready for dinner at my favorite local restaurant.  I had been there first with Mabel's family and then made sure to take Ashley there in our 24-hour visit.
We walked there so Mom could see the malecón, and so I could get some movement in for the day!  We went in and had a seat and at the time were the only non-Mexicans in there!  We ordered shrimp pate, fried shrimp, and fried fish.  Mom sampled a limonada and was hooked.  I got an horchata, but was disappointed in it, so when I was finished, I asked for a limonada mineral, which is made with carbonated water.  Mom really liked that and decided that would be her Mexican drink of choice. 
The food was delicious, and Mom couldn't get over the size of the shrimp.  They really are huge and absolutely incredible!
After we ate (and paid 200 pesos I think for two meals, an appetizer and three drinks- about 13 bucks), we got a pulmonía back to the hotel and relaxed for an hour or so before turning in. We both still needed sleep (Mom from the travel and me from the birthday party), so we gave in.  I was glad since I rarely get a chance to sleep in in Culiacán.  Also because I wanted to be able to wake up before the pool opened at 9!

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