Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lonesome Saturday

I knew going into Saturday that it would be a day mostly for me.  Alma's mom only works two hours a day at the church during the week, so on Saturdays, she is there almost all day.  Alma, as I mentioned in the previous entry, had to proctor the TKT for the English teachers all day.
I woke whenever my eyes opened (as opposed to setting an alarm).  That was sadly before ten.  I wanted to check out the bus route to Walmart.  Walmart is probably about 30 minutes of walking, and mostly up a big hill.  It could be done, but not in Culiacán heat.  Never.  I had had visions at one point of walking there and busing back.  Yeah.  Right.
I checked out this Walmart (there are at least two and I think three in Culiacán) since I had never been to the one on this side of town.  It's a standard Mexican Walmart.  It's different from ours, but still familiar, and comforting in a disturbing way.
While in there, I saw a blonde couple and their baby.  I had my iPod going, so I didn't hear if they were speaking English, but my guess is YES.  On the bus ride home, I decided Walmart was not as close or convenient as it had seemed and would save it for emergencies.

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