Thursday, March 5, 2009

Despedida de Soltera

When someone gets married in Mexico, the bride has a Despedida de Soltera (literally goodbye to singleness, but loosely translated Bachelorette party or Bridal shower depending on the setting).  The original plan this week was to have one on Thursday night for Mayra Loca since she's getting married on Saturday.
Well, on Tuesday, she texted all her friends and said that Thursday was out, reschedule to Wednesday.  I of course had no plans (I have no plans until Alma tells me what I'm doing!), so that was fine with me.  However, pretty much everyone had to back out.  Alma had another wedding shower she was supposed to go to for a friend from high school.  Instead, she dropped the gift off and came back since Mayra's party was at our house!
At 8, Mayrita was supposed to be coming by to "decorate" and get ready for the party.  I was ready (in a new Zara dress no less) before 8 and watched some Gossip Girl to pass the time.  Around 8:45, Alma dropped by from work and left again to take the gift to her other friend.  At 9, Mayrita was finally there with some groceries and balloons.  As we were getting some things ready, we realized we were missing some major ingredients for some of the finger foods.  Mayrita called Karla to see if she could bring a cucumber and jelly when she came.  She obliged.  As much as I love Mexican food food, I'm not a fan of their munchy food.  Sliced cucumbers with a spicy sauce, cut up, uncooked hotdogs (they call it salchicha, which supposedly is different from a hot dog- HA) with the same hot sauce, and chips.  I sat out most of the eating part.  I did enjoy the cream cheese and pineapple jelly with chile.  Mmmm.
We blew up a few balloons and Mayrita left to go pick up Mayra Loca.  There were only the five of us due to the schedule change.  
We basically sat around for 2 hours watching tv and chatting about the upcoming wedding.  Mayra Loca is Catholic (as are all my friends here), but the wedding on Saturday is not the "church wedding."  It's an outdoor wedding that's just a civil service.  Apparently the official church wedding will be this summer.  
At 11:30, we called it a night.  Rockin' bachelorette party!  I was glad to have Thursday off thinking we would be gallavanting all over town until all hours of the morning.  So much for that!

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