Friday, March 6, 2009

2nd/3rd grade

These were my two pre-recreo groups.  I was late, of course, to 2nd grade because of the totally irrelevant meetings.  Second grade was fine, and third grade was actually really good.  I have NO idea what has gotten into them lately, but they seem to be... aware, present, listening, attentive, interested, and RETAINING!
I'll take it.
Halfway through class, about the time I needed my broken CD player (the one I bought in the US has now broken completely, so I'm back to the original- the one that I have to hold down to keep it playing), the power went out.  I was thankful.  Granted it made it about 10 degrees hotter because the fans were off.  Granted I couldn't use the CD player.  However, it also meant that all the power tools being used outside my window (requiring screaming to an otherwise listening class) ceased making noise for a bit.  Miraculously, when the power came back on and I continued with my lesson, the workmen had decided to take a break (or were unaware of the power).  Regardless of the reasoning, I got quite a bit accomplished today!

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