Monday, March 16, 2009


I think this is the name of our new custodian.  That seems strange to me because it ends in an -o making it a masculinesque word.  Also, because if you put an "n" in it (changuito), it is the word they use in Mexico for "monkey" (add that to the list of words I never studied).
At any rate, she's a rare bird.  I don't think she knows what to do with me.  Aside from not doing much work (she always seems to be eating or complaining about the kids or trying to get them to do some cleaning), she doesn't know how to talk to me.  She's from a village outside Culiacán.  Village is probably not the right word, but it's likely there's not running water and I'm betting I'm the first gringa she's ever seen in the flesh.
Instead of talking to me, she gestures.  When I talk to her, she won't answer me back.  I guess she thinks I can't understand.  Sometimes it seems funny.  Other times I want to shake her!

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