Saturday, March 14, 2009

Better Late than Never?!

Due to my moronic move of staying up until midnight on Monday, I pushed snooze about five times on Tuesday morning.  Since I knew the day was set aside for practice and decorations (and I wouldn't be having any classes), I figured it was okay that I wasn't getting there at the strike of 8.
As I walked up about 8:30, I saw a familiar figure in the office.  Maribel.  Had I known she was going to be there, I would've been there on time!  Monday left me thinking she would see me on Wednesday.
As if I needed anything else, I looked like death run over.  Baggy eyes, the works.
Tuesday was a day for the books.  We spent until recreo cutting out shapes for an activity with first grade.  They were going to build a person using shapes of different sizes to create each body part.  This would review shapes, sizes, colors and body parts.  Impressive, no?  It took FOREVER.
We also brainstormed a 20 questions game that 5th grade could play using complete sentence answers, etc.  I wasn't sure how that was going to go down outside, but Maribel wanted outside and outside she would get!
We spent recreo making signs in English to post around the school and finding posters, etc that could adorn the two rooms we would be showcasing.  After recreo, Maribel wanted me to practice.  I knew that if I practiced a lot with 1st grade, they wouldn't perform well, so I opted out.  Fifth grade, however, needed LOTS of practice since this was a game they'd never played in a place they'd never had class.  I practiced with them while Maribel hot glued our signs to the wall outside.
There was still decorating to do, so she thought 7:30 would be a good time to be at school.  I knew she wouldn't be there at 7:30, but I also knew that I had some making up to do for getting there late on Tuesday!

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