Friday, March 27, 2009

Slow Learner

I'm usually pretty quick on the uptake (is that the phrase?).  I like to think of myself as a learn-it-quickly-so-I-don't-have-to-be-re-taught kind of girl.
You be the judge.
Today marks five weeks that I've lived with Alma.  I would not trade it for anything.  She was good to me before, calling about once every other week to let me know what was going on and offer to pick me up.  However, now that I live with her, we just up and go at the drop of a hat, literally almost every night.  Her friends were my acquaintances before I moved in, but now they're the people about whom I will cry because I'm leaving them...
Enough sadness.
My point is this.   I am SOOOOO happy here.  So happy, in fact, that the little nuances like 4am roosters and 6am birds don't get to me.  I still notice them, but I get over it because my life here feels perfect.  Mamá Alma's cooking and Vasito's guarding make up for the hot afternoons (Mamá Alma had a window unit installed in my room on Wednesday.  It will be put to use soon!).  The other small thing that I missed (but not enough by any means to go back) from Mabel's house was her hot, strong shower.  The shower here is strong.  And it's hot.  At first.
I have just enough time to wash my hair, lather up one leg with shaving cream and relieve most of that leg of its hair before the water turns cold.  Shaving in cold water is counterproductive, so I often ended up frustrated.  Happy, but frustrated.
Well, here I am, five weeks later, very proud of myself...
I turned off the hot water while I was shaving today!  I washed my hair, and then I turned the hot water off.  I used the cold water to rinse my razor and then when all was well in the hairy leg department, I turned the hot water back on.  It was still very hot when I turned it off.  Where was my critical thinking the past five weeks?!

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