Friday, March 27, 2009

Retail Therapy

After a week of sleepless nights (going out to eat with Lenin, Cristian, Chapo and the appropriate girls that go with; birthday bowling until late; tea with caffeine too close to bedtime; an English event on my mind; 6am wake up calls each day), I came home from my event and slept for about three hours.  I then decided to spend some of the birthday money Mom left me.  I know that in two weeks, when I'm in the silver metropolis of Taxco, I'm going to regret today's purchases, but such is life!
I made it out of Zara with two $20 knit dresses (one purple and one black because I'm finally realizing you should buy two when you love something because later you'll want it and it'll be gone) and a pair of not-$20 shoes.
Passing through Liverpool to get to my bus, I paid for the bathing suit that I had tried on when I came into the mall.  It's cute.  Trust me.  And it will help with the tan lines on Spring Break!
Then I went shoe shopping.  I realize I said I just bought shoes at Zara, but the whole purpose of shopping today was actually shoe stores in downtown.  However, when I was leaving the house, Alma was coming home for lunch and asked me where I was going.  I told her I needed to shop and she asked if I were going to Forum.  It's not my fault.  Totally Alma's fault.
I got some flip flops and some heels.  
I also got another dress in a shop on the street.  It looks like it was made for me.  You'll just have to take my word for it until I wear it and get pictures!
I got home and felt better having spent my money on some cute stuff.  Now I'll save for two weeks so I can buy all the silver my little heart ever desired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is where the silver we got grandmother last year for xmas or two years whatever originated since I cant end a sentence in a preposition and refuse to resort to name calling. Looking forward to our visit