Wednesday, March 4, 2009


In continuing with my try-to-do-something-physical every day (but expecting that one weekend day would be impossible living this crazy life), I went for a run once it cooled off a little on Saturday after my return from Walmart.  Lately, I had been running closer to 6 instead of 5.  Five was my preferred time when I lived with Mabel because by 6 I wanted to be home since it's dark by then.  Now that I walk to yoga and home at 8:30, my mindset has changed on that a bit.  I felt isolated at Mabel's house.  Here feels like a neighborhood, so I don't feel like I could get snagged up and no one notice.  Not to mention I have my canine bodyguard now.
I think on Saturday, I left closer to 4:30.  What a difference two hours makes.  It was hot and sunny still.  Like beating down sunny.  I am a camel, so I had already had at least 1.5 liters of water before leaving the house.  Vasito, however, was not prepared for this trot.  Up to this point, he had abandoned me about halfway through my run.  This time, for reasons unknown, Vasito stuck it out the whole hour.  He ran with my my 20 minutes.  He walked with me to La Lomita.  He ran up the stairs (as if rubbing it in my face that he still had energy to run up steps by then).  By the time we got to the top, he was panting and his tongue was looking longer and longer!  I did my arm and ab stuff at the top while a scantily clad girl got her picture taken (I'm not sure if it was a quinceañera or birthday or engagement, or what.  But the front of her dress was a mini skirt.  The back had a train, but the front was literally shorter than any pair of shorts I have seen in my life.  Ever.  I was embarrassed for her since she obviously didn't mind!).  Several people asked if Vasito were my dog.  I just said yes instead of opening a really big can of worms.
We trotted down the steps (again, Vasito did more trotting than I), and made our way back to the house.  In the middle of the big intersection, there's a fountain.  I knew he was very thirsty, so I tried to coax him into drinking some of the fountain water.  It was kinda hilarious because he seemed scared of the flying water.  I went on my way and left him there, but when I checked on him over my shoulder, I saw that he was lapping it up.  When we got home, he did the doggy equivalent of dropping onto the couch.  He drank some water, seemed to sigh, and then passed out more or less on the kitchen floor.

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