After walking home from Spanish, I got showered and ready. A little after 9 we left.
We got to the Tecate party room and there were probably 20 guys already there, mostly work friends and some cousins. Sitting in the lounge chairs already were Renato and Liliana, and Sergio and his girlfriend (one of Mayra Loca's brothers). [Pictured at Left: Me, Alma, Liliana, Karla, Rocio, front row: Mayrita, Lenin, Marisol] We went and sat with them and I shared with Liliana that I was certainly going with them for the 5 day beach trip to Manzanillo. Liliana and Renato both were ecstatic! I was stupidly wearing a long sleeved dress because, well, because it was cute. But Alma had reassured me that it would be coldish since it was going to be inside and there would be air. I knew I wouldn't be cold, but I figured if the Mexicans were cold, the chances were good I would be comfortable.
Before the night was over, everyone from our group had arrived. The most inner circle (which is still very big) calls itself Koopa Troopa for some reason. I'm sure I'll find out someday. There are extensions of friends, but the closest ones are Koopa Troopa. I think I'm one of them.
At one point around 12, the lights got dimmed and our group started dancing. Unfortunately, it was more of the terrible Mexican music that I don't love dancing to. Add to that the fact that I had gotten up around 6 that morning and had not gotten enough sleep the day before (so much so that I got to school almost an hour later than usual!). At 12:30, my eyes popped open and I realized Chapo had taken a picture of me while sleeping propped up on my fist with my legs crossed. (Think glamour shot.) Oops. It had been a long day/week. What can I say.
Little did I know it would only get longer.
Most of our friends left by 1, but since I live with the birthday boy's girlfriend, we were going to stay until (almost) the bitter end. At 2:30. That's right, 2:30, we made our way home. I had no trouble falling asleep before washing my face or brushing my teeth (gross, I know, but desperate times, man).
I forgot a funny part of the night. Iván and his crowd (Marco, Jared, etc) are often with this group, but they're one of the outer layers. They're a little bit older, and apparently there are some issues between some of them. Anyway, I was surprised to hear that they'd be coming. But around 10, Iván, Marco, and Mayrita showed up all three together. They had come on their motorcycles and were all dressed with black jackets, carrying their helmets. Their entrance looked like something out of a movie. I was cracking up watching it happen.
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