Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lili's house

Lenin came and picked us up.  As we pulled up to Liliana's, we laughed at the possibility of no one's being there.  We looked out the window in the front "yard/garage" to see Renato, sitting by himself, drinking a beer.  It was kind of hilarious.  Upon entering the house, we saw that Liliana and her mom were fighting with the stereo, attempting to get some background noise for us.
Everntually, Chapo, Jair and Topete came.  The discussion revolved around Mayra Loca's wedding (Jair's ex-girfriend of less than a year, but only when he wasn't around was it discussed), semana santa (holy week/spring break- they're all going to Mazanillo to the beach for about 5 days), and the typical chit chat.  Liliana, before the night was over said she needed our help on Sunday to make party favors for her brother's wedding in April.  I was proud they were doing them that far in advance!  She said there would be lunch and beer, and for everyone to come over.  The girls would do the work and the boys (typical) would watch the international (?) baseball games and drink.  Cool.  I'm in.  Start time was 1:00, so that everyone would be there by 2:30 (those were Liliana's actual words).

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