Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting back into it.

Sunday morning, after using the iPod method to drown out the birds (the roosters were at work when I was falling asleep, but I was tired enough that it didn’t matter!), I slept until about 11:00. At that point, it was warm enough that I wasn’t going to sleep peacefully anymore. I got up, got dressed, and went downstairs to join Mamá Alma who was doing a Bible study. I started looking up words for my Spanish homework. I got through about a page before I was just worn out from it. I asked her if she could drop me off at TelCel to check out my internet and to pay for the net month’s usage. We went, but as she had thought, it was closed because it was Sunday. The branch in Forum mall was open, so she offered to drive me there. It’s on the other side of town (which I now know is a five minute drive), so I didn’t want to inconvenience her. She said it was no problem. Once we got there, we saw that it would be a problem because my place in line was after 16 people! I told her there was no way I would inconvenience her that much. It would likely take over an hour of just waiting in line, so I decided I would return on Monday after school. I can just ride Canal Tres to Forum instead of getting off downtown. There should be a shorter line on a weekday. Then I can bus back home in time for lunch and Spanish class/yoga preparation.
We got back to the house and her son was here with Lía, their two year old daughter. We all watched tv and chatted while Lía ate some beans. Mamá Alma called an air conditioning place to see if she could get a nice unit (called a mini split, even in Spanish) for her bedroom and to transfer her window unit to my room. If not, she’s going to get a window unit for my room anyway. If for some reason that doesn’t pan out, I can move into Alma’s room. We’ll see what happens. Either way, it should be tomorrow. Which may not be a minute too soon!
Around 3, Alma said she had some phone calls to make for work, that I could take her car to Forum if I wanted to look into TelCel. I told her I could wait until Monday after school and promptly fell asleep on my bed for about an hour and a half. I’m still tired, but it’ll be a process to get back into the Mexican routine!
Now on the agenda is to continue working on my homework, and then get my thoughts together for classes tomorrow at school. I’ve got three days or less this week to get all 7 classes ready for an exhibition. We’ll see what kind of magic I can work!

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