Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pool and Peanut Butter

After such a ridiculously satisfying (or overwhelming I should say) breakfast, putting on a bathing suit was not on my list of favorite things to do...  But I sucked it up (and in) and did it.  We spent a good part of the morning soaking up rays until we had a hint of hunger.  At that point, we took a break from the midday sun and snacked on a few peanut butter crackers (I'm so glad Mom shares my love for this food!) and a couple of Trefoils (I'm also so glad she brought me some goodies!).  After the heat-of-the-day sun was back to something we could manage, we headed back out.  I should say that the heat wasn't really the factor.  The weather was amazing.  We could sit in full sun and not sweat due to the breeze.  However, the midday sun tends to burn faster (or maybe it just feels that way), so we took our break then.  We got a few more hours out of the afternoon and decided to clean up around 6.

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