Sunday, March 15, 2009

Thursday Típico

Thursday was a typical day.  Well, I suppose a little of it was different since I went to school already made up from the night before.  I was SO tired from Lenin's birthday, that I was glad on Thursday morning to already have makeup on.  And since it was from Wednesday night instead of Wednesday morning, it didn't look too terrible!
Classes were good, and I even managed to not be too much of a zombie!
I was glad to get home as soon as possible and sleep for a couple of hours before Spanish class.  After having walked home from Spanish on Tuesday and Wednesday, I wanted to try walking to Spanish class.  However, with the thought of a backpack full of yoga stuff and the midday heat coupled with the need for as many minutes of catch-up sleep as possible, I decided to just go the bus route.
Class was good.  We began talking about accent marks and linguistic things as opposed to the meaning of what we had read.  Some of the things we talked about were completely new vocabulary for me, so it was fun to learn.
From Spanish class, I walked to yoga (which is about 1.5 times the distance as it is to get home), stopping at the hotel on the way to confirm a reservation for mom for the weekend.  Done.  I felt much better having that accomplished.
Yoga was amazing.  It was a smallish class that focused on arms again (That's not a typical Bikram thing, so when she does it, I love it!).  I had a great class and left feeling ready to see Mom!  I also felt ready to sleep more than 4 hours before I had to be at school.  Teaching.  Responsible.  And friendly!

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