Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Anabel, the first grade teacher that I said may not really like teaching or children, was the life of the party.  She has this straight face and says something and everyone cracks up.  And she does too.  It's funny, but I kinda wonder what the big deal is.  Anyhow, Lucano is in her class.  At the party, we discussed how I feel like I don't know how to teach here.  What I mean is, I can't do what I do at home.  I can try some of the techniques, etc, but the theory of the school is so different and the teachers here don't teach (and discipline) the same way as we do at home, so it doesn't work out as well for me to do my thing.
I was explaining how I didn't know how to teach and how teaching English was harder than I had imagined because in my head, I've already said it once, what's not to understand?!  When I teach Spanish, I know that they don't understand and I get creative.  It's very hard to get creative with your own language.  Anyway, they asked me whose names I knew in the troublesome classes, making the obvious point that you learn the bad kids' names first.
Anabel offered Lucano's name and then said how smart he was.  But that he just doesn't like English class.  I gave my opinion that some kids just don't like the teacher, and never will like the class because of that teacher.  She agreed, but said that wasn't the case.  That Lucano liked me a lot but just didn't like the class.
That made me feel better.  I know what it is with him.  He wants to know it.  He thinks he doesn't understand English, so why bother listening.  He wants to know it all-every word- now instead of having to listen, learn, and then understand.  He likes me; he really likes me!

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