Wednesday, October 22, 2008

4 pesos please

Last week I decided I needed to watch my spending at school.  I must really feel at home if Ive started budgeting!  But really, I was spending 9 pesos on Coca Lights (from Victor-in-first-grade's Mom's store across the street), 5 pesos on popsicles (daily instead of on occasion), and sometimes 8-10 on the dish of the day (a shrimp taco or a chimichanga which is not what you think it is).  A peso here, a peso there; even at 12.5, I was spending more (and eating more) than I should.
After I realized my new eat-too-much/spend-too-much lifestyle, I cut myself off!  I took only 12 pesos with me to school.  6 to get there; 6 to get home; no stops at Forum; no food.
That worked for about three days.  Long enough to learn my lesson.  But yesterday, when I didn't feel so good and had to borrow from the students' book fund to buy a diet coke to cure my headache, I decided I should always have some cash on hand.
I have found a cheaper, more fulfilling (yet worse for me) snack.  I'll just have to hope for a quick change in schedule to get myself in more yoga!
The women who set up the stand at recreo sell all kinds of things.  There are suckers, tacos, chimichangas, nachos, cokes (but not light), juice boxes, donuts, popcicles in a bag (think flav-o-freeze.
I discovered one day, as I was asking about Coca Light in hopes of a better price than the 9 pesos (it's only 7.5 at Oxxo, but there's no Oxxo near my school!), I saw a student get an ice cream.  Again, this came in a bag.  I've noticed in Honduras how they drink cokes from a straw in a plastic bag.  I guess it's just easier and cheaper to produce that way.  Well, these ice creams were in plastic bags.  I got a chocolate one and it was yummy delicious.  I think it might be made with an horchata base, which would explain why I love it!  The best part?  4 pesos!

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