Thursday, October 9, 2008

Language Help

Lat week sometime, a mom came up to me (the one who arrived late to PTO meeting who "wasn't like them" and explained the socioeconomic status to me) and asked if I could help her translate a website.  She needed to order something and was confused.  I of course was glad to help and told her I would be available the next day at the end of the school day. 
She met me in the computer room and we pulled up the site.  It was for massage tables and the company was based in Chicago.  She wanted to order a portable massage table since it was one sale.  She needed to know the cost of shipping to Mexico and how long it would take.  None of this info was on the site, so I sent an email.  I told her I would send the information home with her son when I got it.  Over the weekend, I received a response and they have a store in Mexico!  I gave her the Mexican website and we looked at it together.  The table was only 100 bucks more and it's in Guadalajara.  The shipping costs and difference in price still came out MUCH better than shipping from or traveling to the States.
She was ecstatic!  She jumped up and down and thanked me over and over again.  She also offered a free massage when the table comes in.  I didn't do anything, but count me in!

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