Sunday, October 19, 2008

iPod, iTunes, top 10

Yesterday, since we had no big plans, I got in a lot of tv time.  Every channel was having a top ten countdown in music videos, but they all had different songs!  I only have 8 stations, but still, even MTV/VH1 or GAC/CMT has some commonalities....
When I heard a song I liked and recognized, I wrote down as much info as I could (they only flash up the name of the artist and song for about three seconds).  Last night, when I saw I had internet again, I bought 4 songs and an album on iTunes.  For one, it will come in handy when we go out.  It's tricky trying to dance and be fun when you don't know any of the songs!  But more importantly, I want to have enough Spanish music to saturate myself when possible.  When I ride to or from school, I occasionally turn on my iPod, but it's usually to something in English (it has been a lot of the Chicks lately).  I also listen on my way to yoga since there's usually some downtime between buses.  The English music is fine.  However, in the morning on the way to school, it'll be nice to get my mind going in Spanish, even if my mouth stays quiet (we all know I need my twenty minutes of no talking, please!).  I have begun to notice less thinking on my part about language.  It's more fluent and less intent lately, which is good.  But I think if I keep pushing English words into my brain when I have an opportunity to be thinking in Spanish, I'll slow my progress.  It wouldn't be detrimental since I'll be here eight more months (Can you believe I've been here two?!), but I think it will help to have access to Spanish when I want it.

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