Friday, October 24, 2008

How much English does a gal from TN know?

I got to the Club de Leones (Lions' Club) right on time this morning.  Maribel and Mabel had each given me slightly different directions on how to get there from my bus, but I managed.  Maribel was waiting outside as the greeter/direction-giver.  There were two rooms for the presentations; one was for the teachers who use one book called Jump, and the other was for those of us who use Bounce.  I stayed out there with Maribel until Mayra (second-in-command in the system and coordinator of scholarships) arrived.  She was the one who should know what I needed to do.  She was also the one that Jessica talked to last week to secure my non-work at Casa Achoy.
Several people showed up that I already knew.  (Every English teacher in Mexico has to pass the TKT with a certain score.  They provide this training for new teachers free of charge.  The test is in January, but there are 20 hours of training before the test.)
Among those I knew were Alfredo, Alma, and Ana Luisa.  Ana Luisa flitted about and got things done while I waited with Mayra and Maribel.  Maribel was like a broken record: "Good morning.  Do you work with Jump?  This way.  Good morning.  Do you work with Bounce?  The door on your right.  Good morning."  Etc.
Mayra asked me if I would be taking the test.  Maribel had told me in September that obviously I wouldn't since I already know English and will not be here next year.  Then on Wednesday she told me I would be taking the test.  Who knows?!  I answered Mayra by saying that I didn't see any need to take it since I wouldn't be here next year and since I'm a native speaker.  She asked me if I didn't want to be certified.  I explained that I already am certified, but in Spanish.  If they want to certify me in English, fine, but on their dollar, because it will be of little use to me!
Mayra told me that we would be speaking at the break- around 10:30- since they had already started...  Awesome.  It was 9:00.
Maribel whispered to me in English while Mayra continued talking to those around us that I could leave if I wanted- that Ana Luisa had said it was okay.  I felt like I couldn't leave since I had just agreed to the 10:30 presentation time with Mayra.
Maribel and I went on our way to the Bounce room.  We munched on some cookies and helped with registration.
Mayra came in and joined up.  It became apparent that I would, in fact be hanging around until break to present.
Time actually went pretty quickly as Maribel and I goofed off.  We listened to some of the training.  The TKT is given by Cambridge, so the correct vocabulary and more importantly pronunciation is British!  I'm actually not so sure I can help their average with this one!  It also seems to be a lot of useless information like definitions of a clause, morpheme and word.  I think it's a ridiculous test, but what do I know?
It was almost break time, so Mayra and I presented.  She introduced me, I told them about how much I loved the exchange and had already learned so much (but conveniently left out the part where they'll work all day and night in the States and have ridiculous amounts of paperwork and rules with very few random days off), and we passed out pamphlets.
We went up to the Jump room and were prepared to do the same spiel, but they were in the heat of the presentation and then went to break without time for us to squeeze in.  We waited the 15 minutes for break to be over.  Rinse.  Repeat.
While in that room, I saw Alma, Diana (the singer, Ana Luisa's daughter), and several others that I've met but don't remember their names.
They invited me to a Halloween party, but I'll be in Cozumel.
I think I'll be hearing from Alma this weekend since it's been a few weeks since we hung out.  We'll see.
I left at 11:15, while the other teachers had to finish training and the other enlaces had to finish supervising!  I went to eat tacos and churros downtown as well as withdraw some November money since I won't be here at the beginning of November.  I wanted to have cash on hand for the airport and ferry from Cancún to Cozumel.  I should be getting a check in Mexico City for my plane reimbursement which will cover me for the rest of the month.
When I got home, I had an email from Hernán (custodian) that we wouldn't be having classes on Monday.  I don't know why, but I've stopped asking questions.  I'll be hitting up the 9am yoga to see what it's like.
I'm guessing my Honey will not be there.

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