Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reading Program

Yesterday, a woman from the reading program I'll be participating in came to my house to have a meeting.  I was annoyed because we spoke English the whole time because "I hear you're having trouble with the Spanish."  I smiled politely.  I was annoyed, because from what I heard, she was having trouble with the English, and was fresh off the plane from quite some time in the States.  I'm trying to get over that.  I'm always going to sound like a foreigner; that I just have to accept.  I'm not sure other people are willing to accept that, but I can't make their decisions for them, now can I? 
She came yesterday and we talked for about 15 minutes and really didn't get much accomplished except to find out that she lives three sets of condos down from me and that we needed to meet again.  She called today to tell me we'd meet tomorrow at 4:30 with all involved in the program.  She will pick me up at 4:15 and off we'll go.  I hope I get to listen to and speak more Spanish then.  Mayra will be there (she came to the house the first week I was here to settle the issues about which school I'd actually be working in) as well as Eduardo who has been at Casa Achoy since it started.  Maribel also worked there as well as one other, but I don't remember who.  I don't think it's anyone I've told you all about, so it's of no importance.
So tomorrow, after I leave school early form our planning day and explore the market and downtown (and eat another $3 meal of tacos!), I'll clean up and head to this meeting.  Should be very interesting.

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