Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Picture of a Mexican

What exactly does a Mexican look like?  I was thinking about this all the way home today after school.  The bus was significantly less crowded today, so I spent more time in reflection and less time in frustration of the ever-present red-shirts (there were only two today, very calm girls).
Does a Mexican wear a "sombrero" and blue jeans and cowboy boots.  No.  Except sometimes.  Does a Mexican have black hair pulled smoothly back with a rose where it's gathered at the nape of her neck.  No.  But yes.  What color is their hair?  And skin?  Eyes and such?
I have seen the man with the hat and boots and jeans; I have made friends with a girl with a flower in her hair (a "new" trend among girls here my age).  But I have also seen Mexicans in Hollister polo-styled shirts, Levi jeans, and American Eagle flip flops.  
I've been a student of the language (and culture) for 9 years now (that year in high school just doesn't count; I wasn't invested).  I teach to my students at Lockeland that you can't look at a person and know without a doubt where they're from.  There are some clues, but there are some misleading clues as well.  
I wonder if I've studied Spanish too long- or not long enough, or if I've been here too long- or not long enough.  As I rode the bus today, I watched all the people I saw.  I saw many shades of skin ranging from much lighter than mine to much darker than mine.  I saw hair of all colors (natural and assisted) and textures.  I saw styles that could contribute to an assumption of origin, though style is not as God-given as the other factors can be.  When I looked out the window, I saw large groups of people waiting at bus stops.  No two looked the same.  Well, duh.  but from a culture that often "you people"s, it was amazing to me to think that if I saw any of "those people" today on a street in Nashville, or Canada, or Spain, or France, I wouldn't know they were from Mexico.  It's a strange feeling.  I can't get all the words or thoughts straightened out in my head just yet.  

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