Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lesson Plans

I am back and alive.  I had an amazing weekend, though on Thursday, I had no internet all day long.  Nothing Friday either before leaving for the beach.  I have much to update and will hopefully get to that tonight, but have spent the last 2.5 hours (and will spend most of the rest of tonight) making lesson plans for Oct 1-15.  Here, you must turn in your plans on the 1st and 15th of each month or pay a $5 fine.  I had no idea.  Well, I knew, but I figured since Maribel was at my school every week, she'd just ask me for them and she never did.  SO- here I sit making the first half of the month's plans.  It's kind of annoying. :) I'm not used to making formatted plans (they have a specific format you must follow).  It's basically a lot of busy work.  My principal at Lockeland told us last year she would only check our lesson plans when our teaching became a problem.  She said she knew they were a waste of time and if you can teach what needs to be taught without following some procedure then to do it.
Here I am following the procedure and must turn them in by morning Wednesday.  I want them emailed by Tuesday night, so I'm hoping to get over half of them done today.  At 2.5 hours per grade, it's going to take me awhile.  (Here's the part where teaching grades 1-6 totally stinks!)  More on last week, Casa Achoy, and my weekend in Mazatlan when time permits.
Love to all.

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