Monday, September 8, 2008

6th grade Favorite Favorites

I promised 6th grade last week, as I told you, that I would give them English names.  I did my best to compile a list using all my friends' and family members' names as well as suggestions.  THANKS!  I wish I had had my video camera.  When I got off the bus, several students approached me asking if I had the list today.  At recreo, same thing.  Of course, I had typed my list and brought it on a thumb drive, and the printer wouldn't work.  I was afraid I was going to let them down.  Good news!  Hernan (custodian) to the rescue! He made it work.  When I walked in, they were deeply involved in their lesson, yet they get to drop everything for English.  The teacher doesn't even come to a stopping point.  
We did our greeting, talked about the date and weather, and then I passed out the lists.  They were ecstatic!  Their eyes were zooming down the page trying to find and claim the name they wanted.  Several of the girls told me which name they wanted, while others asked if they could have two.  Being from the South, I told them two was perfectly fine!  I also assured them that more than one person could have the same name.  I figure that's accurate of names in a classroom; there are multiples.  I also think if they're so excited about this, they should get the one they want, no matter how many Ashleys (the first to be claimed) or Nicoles there are.
I'm so excited for them!

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