Monday, September 8, 2008

My visitor

After the Baby Shower, I came home and Cosette had already been put to bed.  Mabel wanted to chat a little longer, which was fine of course.  I took my nightly shower...  When I got back to my room, my air turned on before I showered to get my room ready for a night of restful slumber, I noticed, up on the wall, the biggest moth I've ever seen in my life.  It was like an animal.  I know that it is an animal. But it was like I couldn't touch it because I would feel its body.  As in I tried to shoo it out the door.  It wouldn't go.  I couldn't bring myself to let the paper I was using make contact with it because the thought just grossed me out!
At any rate, it scared me to death!  After I successfully shooed it to the hallway, I went to brush my teeth, tightly closing my sometimes tricky door to ensure no permanent visitor in my room!  When I came out from brushing my teeth, it had moved to the wall by the bathroom at eye level.  I let out a gasp that I thought would wake Cosette.  I don't think it did.
What is it with my Spanish speaking countries and their humongous animals?!  In Guatemala, I had a cockroach the size of a deflated balloon for a roommate.  Here, I had a "butterfly" is the translation, but this was no thing of beauty.  The two pictures are for detail versus size.
Yesterday, he finally was on the floor in the "naked" living room as Kate likes to call it.  I thought it was dead.  Mabel disagreed so she kind of poked it with the broom.  It acted dead.  Then she tried to sweep it out the door and it awoke.  She compared it to a vampire because she couldn't find the word for bat.  Luckily, thanks to my students and our first grad animal unit, I knew the word and filled in her blank.