Thursday, February 12, 2009


I had warned Ashley upon arrival that she would need to prepare herself to not go to the bathroom at school. Again, if a Mexican (Maribel) thinks they’re gross, I’m going to take her word for it!
We had done quite a bit of walking, eating, and drinking, so the bathrooms at Forum were a welcomed site. They’re relatively clean and pretty nice. We passed the food court, so Ashley got to see my choice sushi restaurant as well as my Italian coffee shop where I use their internet when mine isn’t working.
From there, we stopped in one little trendy shop and Ashley found a short-sleeved turtleneck. I’m trying not to buy something every time I go to the mall, so I refrained. We made our way down to Zara and apparently they are smack in the middle of seasons. There was not much of a selection. I was afraid I was about to disappoint again (after the school disappointment, I at least wanted her to be able to shop til she dropped). Luckily, on our third circle of the store, we found some skinny jeans for her (a MAJOR success since she’d been looking in Nashville since Christmas), and (unfortunately) a dress for me. We made our purchases and got out of there! Time to head home, nap a little, and get ready for the weekend.


Amanda said...

I want to see a picture of the dress.

Andrea said...

Are we surprised ASh went shopping?