Saturday, February 28, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

Or should I say the opposite of Manic!  Being in a new house with new people, I wasn't yet sure of sleep protocol.  I always wake up once at a normal teaching time (around 8 if I don't actually have to teach) no matter what day it is.  But being in this new house and not knowing what the plan was made me wake up early even though I had no alarm set.  Alma's plan apparently was to sleep until 2:00!  That was fine.  I got up, chatted some, organized my room, got a shower, and heard from Tania.  She wanted to go get coffee later.  I told her that I had yoga at 7, but could do it on the way to yoga.  She was down with that.
Alma woke up for lunch and we all ate together.  Alma's mom, also Alma, is a really good cook and I asked her to teach me some of the dishes she makes.  Of course, no one is ever home, but if there's a chance, she said she'd be happy to!
I ended up taking a nap at one point, and then suddenly it was 5:00 and time to give Tania directions to my new house.  Ha!  Thankfully, Alma had written it out for me.  She still ended up getting lost, but Alma was awake in time to help her out.  Goodness knows I couldn't have gotten her here!
We went to get "coffee," and I of course had horchata.  There was nothing appetizing that wouldn't mess with me for yoga.  We had a great time.  She had spent 4 days in DF at a test-writing convention.  She filled me in on all that, and I filled her in on all of my moving drama.
She dropped me off at yoga and it was a great class.  Cecy was there and asked me about my new house and how things were.  I walked home and it took me 14 minutes from the door of yoga to the door of my house.  I pass Marco's house on the way.  And at one point if I walked to the left one block, I'd be at Mayrita's house.  
I came home (sweaty and disgusting of course) to a very full house.  The priest from Alma's church was there with three other people and he was fixing his famous spaghetti.  I was introduced to everyone, and then I bolted upstairs to get a shower!
When I came back down, the house was somehow fuller!  Lenin, Mayrita and Mayra (the one who's getting married) were there, chowing down on their spaghetti.  Alma quickly served me up a plate and it was definitely delicious.  It was thinner than I like spaghetti, but for the runny kind, the flavor was really rich.
Lenin had bought "Slumdog Millionaire" earlier in the weekend, so we were going to watch that.  The Oscars were showing here (a day later), and I was sad that my boy Will was translated over and I couldn't laugh hysterically at everything he said.  After the Oscars went off, we were excited to watch the movie that had won so many!
We put it in and got about 20 minutes into it when we had to pause it for some reason.  When we went to start it again, it wouldn't start!  Something had gone awry.  That was around 11. Mamá Alma was taking the priest home, but thought that might look shady, so Mayrita went with her (that's why we paused it!).  It was after 11 when they got back.  Since the movie was a no go for the time being, Lenin went on home.  The girls and Alma's mom stayed up talking until... 2 am.  Can you believe that?!  That's life in Mexico!

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