Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Phone Calls and Down Dogs

I got home and killed some time packing a few things before yoga. Yesterday was Dad’s birthday, but my day did not go as planned. By the time I got home from Alma’s it was 10:30 my time, making it after midnight in Naples, making my phone all already a day late. I decided to wait until a civil hour. I called while walking from my house to the bus. We had a brief chat, but it was good and I was glad my credit lasted!
I have started really enjoying the walking part of my journey to yoga. Instead of waiting downtown for the second bus, I just ride my bus a little farther and still get there at the same time. The walking is much more pleasurable than the bus. I can’t really put into words why. Alma’s house is about 4 blocks from yoga, so I will be able to walk always.
Yoga was increidible today for some reason. I know that no one cares about my yoga thoughts except Mom and Amanda who have the same admiration for the “sport” if you will as I do. Ashley probably also enjoys it more or less since when it totally would kick my tail in Nashville, I would call her and complain. It usually brought a laugh or two. Anyway, I think the combination of being somewhat stressed out this week (Sandra asked Maribel if I were okay, that I had seemed sad all week), good hydration, and a really hot and humid, full room, made my class amazing. I was able to hold all the poses in a more or less correct form. I feel like I’ve progressed a whole lot in just the four weeks I’ve been back at it since Christmas. I love that feeling of accomplishment! (Note- Be looking for the next yoga entry where I hate everything about it and couldn’t do anything! Such is the rollercoaster love affair with yoga.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of the few "rules" of yoga - no competition with anyone, including yourself!!

Glad you're back in it and glad you finally got me to go! Love, MOM