Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tania, God love her

So. This has been a season of confessions so to speak in my blog. First the burn. Now the drama.
So since Christmas, I’ve kind of had a weird feeling about my living situation. It’s hard to explain. But there are lots of factors leading up to the fact that I’m no longer happy. As a person who hates, make that despises confrontation, I’m not excited about the few weeks ahead when I actually try to do something confrontational and make things better for myself.
Ashley knows all the stories and all the little details, but even if she hadn’t, she would’ve picked up on some stuff while she was here. Some things that can’t be explained in words she witnessed. Nothing is terrible. It’s not even really bad. But I don’t feel at home. And to live somewhere where you don’t feel at home is not exactly something to look forward to for four more months. (How is that all the time there is left?!)
Anyway, I was at a point where I needed to get out of the house and see the faces of my friends. Tania was up for dinner, so she said she’d pick me up after her last class let out at 8. At 8:30, I met her at the entrance to our condos and we caught up for a few minutes before pulling away to an unknown destination. I love that she is never at a loss for words. She builds my vocabulary and fluency if nothing else, but she’s a great entertainer and a good friend besides.
We decided on a “light” place, but the only salad places I have liked so far are very far from my house or in the closed-after-8 Forum mall. So we went to a place I had been with Mabel, Marisela and Carlos before Christmas. There were salads on the menu, but for some reason a chicken sandwich seemed like it would do the trick.
It took a long time to order (we were kind of in a corner), so by the time the food came, I was starving!
I had my plate clean before Tania even seemed to put anything into her mouth. To my credit, she’s a slow eater and she had about ten stories lined up to tell me. Add to that the hunger factor and that’s a recipe for disaster. We chatted about all kinds of stuff. And then we discussed the living situation. She didn’t know all the details (and I didn’t tell her all of them), but she thought I was living for free with a friend that I had known before I came here. When it became evident that neither was true, she was like, “You gotta get outta there.” We discussed some options and one of them is actually moving in with her. She was like of course you can move in until July. And I wouldn’t dream of charging you. Well, I of course wouldn’t dream of living off someone that long for free. But the sentiment was really nice. I am going to go check out her house at some point in the next few weeks to see if it’s manageable. There’s one draw back and that’s the no hot water thing. Not sure I can survive without hot water. Though back in the fall, I only used the cold water here because it was more lie lukewarm water. We’ll see what happens and how I feel about it. Sandra (the computer teacher who takes care of me) has an empty bedroom I think and if it were an emergency situation, I think she would let me rent from her. But we’ll just have to see how things play out.
Think happy roommate thoughts for me if you don’t mind. (Obviously, since publication is running over a week behind, things have changed. I don´t need your happy roomamte thoughts anymore because I´m outta there. And very happpy!)

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