Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday 2/13

Happy Friendship/Valentine’s Day! I’m again in that frustrated position where I’m wondering exactly what my kids are supposed to be learning when they see me a maximum of 2 times a week. If they’re lucky. However, I’m thankful for the breaks as teaching (even though it’s just 3 hours) takes a toll on me here like it doesn’t at home. At home I get worn out, but mentally and from “being on my game” all day. Here I get worn out physically from using a loud voice and running first graders back into the classroom. I’m also mentally worn out from feeling like I’m not accomplishing anything.
I woke up this morning at 7 and thought to myself, “Go back to sleep. Turn your alarm off, and go back to sleep. You don’t want to go to yoga; you want to sleep the day away!” I fell asleep too quickly to take my advice thank goodness and my alarm went off right before 8. I needed to be out the door at 8 to make it to 9:00 yoga a little early. On Thursday, I had paid 1000 pesos for a month of thrice weekly yoga. But I knew that I would be missing a few days for an upcoming four-day weekend (I know- I never teach a full week. This is what I’m telling you!) So I decided to go ahead and get my second for the week on Friday morning to get my money’s worth. At this exchange rate, if I make it all 12 times to class in the month, it should come out to less than six bucks a class. AND I’ll walk taller, sit straighter, and maybe keep those tortillas under control!
So class was great. It has a different feel in the mornings than at night that I can’t explain.
On my way there, Maribel called me to see if I had chosen my student to speak at some teacher something or other. Mexicans aren’t really good about details. So I’m still not sure where or to whom Diego will be speaking, but I’m quite certain he’ll be great at it. Maribel also told me that she would call my principal to let him know that I needed to cancel my classes (UGH) to work with Diego so that it was perfect by Thursday. When the Consul came, Vanessa only had one day’s notice and she memorized it over night. I’m thinking if I work with Diego during my first grade classes (they’re ahead of the rest, so they can afford to miss instruction- not to mention I’ll enjoy the break from them) on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, he’s bound to have it. Even if he doesn’t practice at home. Which he will.
(I must insert here that I am typing this in a Word document on Friday afternoon because my neighbors didn’t pay their bill again. I have heard that song “Listen to your heart” by whomever at least 12 times so far. It’s blasting downstairs. I think Mabel is having a Valentine’s party. I’m not sure if it’s tonight or tomorrow, but she’s got balloon shaped hearts everywhere. PS- the song is the Spanish version.)
So yoga was good. I came home and napped a little. Finding Forrester was on, which happens to be one of my favorites. It was in Spanish, so it would’ve lacked a little without Sean Connery’s voice (“Jamaal? Sounds more like a marmalade than a name.”), but it would’ve been fun to watch. I, however, slept right through it.
I’ve been craving chocolate and bad foods, so I decided to take a walk (I know I went to yoga, but usually if I walk around the block I can curb the craving, or at least feel like I deserve it!). It worked. Mostly I just forgot the chocolate once I got to the Oxxo. I got my coca light, a Gatorade and a water, but I forgot the chocolate. Fine by me.
I texted Tania (one of the Mazatlán girls) to see what was up tonight and she said nothing but that she would do dinner if I wanted. She teaches until 8 but would pick me up at 8:30. Done. I gotta get out of this house!

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