Thursday, February 12, 2009


On Friday morning, before heading to school, I had asked Mabel if we were doing anything for Marisela’s birthday on Friday. I had known for several weeks that her birthday was coming up, and Mabel had told me we would likely do something. I was excited that Ashley would be here so she could be sure to meet the whole family. Friday morning, Mabel indicated that we would not be doing anything because Marisela had no money. However, at some point during the day, we became aware of the plan to have the birthday party anyway. We decided on a departure time of 8:00 pm. Ashley and I napped for a couple of hours and then got showered and ready. We weren’t really going to have “dinner,” so Ashley popped a pancake in her mouth. We had to stop by the store on the way there to get some pepper jelly to go on the cream cheese (my favorite dish of the night). Outside the grocery store was the man who sells esquites (a creamed corn-like dish served with sour cream, cheese and any assortment of additional Mexican condiments you may want), and this is the only place Mabel will buy them. I wasn’t starving, but how hungry do you have to be to eat corn? So I bought one for Ashley to try and me to finish. They’re not as sweet as I like creamed corn, so I figured they wouldn’t be the hit of the night. Ashley was not a big fan. As we approached Papá’s house, I asked Mabel if we could stop for the raspados (the icee-like drink with fresh fruit). I got a pineapple one for us to share. It did not let us down.
On the way over there, we had stopped to buy a cake for the birthday girl. We were the first to arrive at the party, so we helped set out the finger foods. Tía Laura and Papá both made appearances. Many of Mari’s dental school friends and friends from high school came. It was a nice time. There were plenty of conversations that included the two of us, so that was fun. When the conversation was too Spanish heavy or about high school memories, Ashley and I kept ourselves busy with food and our own conversation. Around midnight, Mabel abruptly (as is typical) picked up her purse and said, “Let’s go.” Off we went.
On our way home, I texted my buds to see if anything was going on, but it looked like it would take awhile to materialize and by then we’d be too sleepy. So we called it a night. And what a good thing we did! We had a big day planned for Saturday.

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