Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turner Time


Sweet moment with Mom.

He knows just what to do and when; I managed to not cry this time!

La La and Turner at Mt. Lemmen looking for snow (we didn't find any)

As if there were any doubt why I love this kid!  How sweet is he?!

I managed to get a photo WITH T this time!  Outside the Children's Museum

"Operation" at the Children's Museum

Officer Turner

The block house we assembled (I was proud!)

A and T play soccer, but Turner wasn't a fan of the concept of goalie.

Watch out David Beckham!

I walked out to the car and Turner greeted me with a jolly, “Hi, Wa-Wa!” He got out of his seat while A ran in to get some breakfast. I held him and asked him how he’d gotten so big. (How does that happen?) His response, without hesitation: “Cuz I eat all my green begetables.” He let me hold him with his head rested on my shoulder- a perfect fit- until Andy came back out. As Turner was getting back into his seat and I was latching him in, he asked, “Hey, Wa-Wa, can you sit in the back wif me?” I told him that was sweet but that I’d sit up front with daddy. “Well, I want to touch you. Can you sit back here cwose to me?” Who can argue with that? Not La-La, that’s for certain.
We rode the hour or so back to Tucson where Andy had to go to work. Turner and I spent the day (after my shower) playing play dough, cars, and other little kid things.
Around 3, Amanda came home and we spent more time together. I put T down for a nap, but miraculously didn’t fall asleep myself! I did some blogs and such until we woke him up for dinner later that night.
Again, my days are all confused….
But over the course of the four day weekend, Turner and I played soccer (another child fooled into thinking I’m sporty!), went to the Children’s museum, checked out a new dessert spot with Amanda, went to Mt. Lemmen, and just enjoyed each other’s company. He was a typical three year old a few times (this is so rare for me to see!), but he knows when it is mandatory to be sweet. On Sunday, I had to be at the bus station around 1 for my 2pm departure from Tucson (heading south is easier at the border). That morning, he had asked what day it was and when I answered “Sunday” he said, “No it’s not. It’s not time for you to go yet.” Then at the bus station, he let me hold him for a long time, hugging me and telling me he loved me. Asking me why I was crying (though he knows the leaving La-La drill all too well!), etc.
The bus ride back was not as fun as anticipated. We seemed to stop every ten minutes. Literally. We stopped at Oxxos even when we had just made a bathroom stop or a town stop to change passengers. It was a full bus that wasn’t as nice as the ones I’ve taken before. I think it’s luck of the draw meets schedule with the buses. The ones that leave later in the night have fewer stops, but the issue there is that I’d have missed all of Sunday with Turner. I wouldn’t trade it.

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