Friday, November 28, 2008


By the time the gas man left, I knew I was too tired to go to yoga, but I wondered if I'd be able to sleep through the night if I went to bed at 5:15.  I decided to venture into the city and see if I could find my way around.  The way the streets are set up, you have to do a lot of U-turns to get where you're going, so it seems bigger than it is.  I was surprised and just how small and maneuverable it was.
I made my way back to my side of town and decided to hit up the internet at Forum mall for a bit while I could.  I pulled into the free parking area (which is farther of course than the paid parking) and headed to the food court.  I chatted some and then headed back out to my car.
That was another adventure, and I ended up typing another blog entry in Word while in the car.  I didn't get it copied and pasted at school, so you'll have to wait until Monday to read about it, but the anticipation with be worth it!

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