Friday, November 21, 2008

All kinds of Fulbrighters...

Gretchen eating while socializing.
Jessica, Derrick and Jen with Lucas, former Fulbrighter who was in DC (he works part-time in the summer for Comexus)

Regina and I stuff our faces

Group shot: Reed, Gretchen, Jen, Shawna, Derrick, me, Kate

After resting in my room on Thursday, Gretchen walked in as it was time for us to walk out and head back to Comexus for our reception.  All former Fulbrighters in Mexico City had been invited (the teaching kind) and any current Fulbright Scholar (university student) in Mexico City was invited as well.  As we were walking up to the building, Jessica was standing in the doorway tapping her watch.  It was about 6:15 and she said, "They're waiting on you!"  We all gave her the "we're Mexicans" line and went on our way.  Walking into the room felt a bit like an oven.  It was hot and humid; even though it was cool, breezy, and wonderful outside, it felt like Culiacán inside.  This reception had great potential to be awkward, as do all receptions I guess.  When we got there, it was fend for yourself.  We had to introduce ourselves to strangers and get the conversation going.  After about an hour of that, Maggie had us introduce ourselves, where we're from, where we're currently teaching, etc.
That stirred up new conversations.  Several people came up to me with interest in how primaria (elementary) was.  Others were interested/concerned about Culiacán.  Someone from the Embassy was interested in how the English program was doing at the elementary level and any suggestions I had for facilitating it throughout the country.  Yeah right.
I reconnected with a man who had been extremely helpful in Boston in the spring at our regional meeting.  He gave me his numbers and said if I were ever in DF and needed anything to give him a shout.  I filed that away with all my other contacts.
The night was fun and Spanish filled, which was a change from the day with a big group of gringos.
After the Mexicans had left, the Gringos showed their true colors.  There was plenty of yummy bread, cheese, fruit, wine, and fondue all night.  However, we all seemed to stick to conversation.  As the Mexicans were all leaving (and it's strange that they would leave before us!), we all crowded around the buffet and pigged out.  I wasn't really all that hungry, but I can't turn down free food.  Especially when brie is involved!
We left there, making time for a photo op, and then headed to the Zona Rosa (again East Nashville) and went to a bar.  We were going to go to Lipstick, which reminded me of Lipstick Lounge in East, but it was either too crowded or too dull- can't remember.
We had our hour of fun and went back to Casa González.

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