Friday, November 28, 2008


This week has been test heavy since I've given a test to both groups of 1st graders as well as to second grade.  I would like to be giving more tests to get it over with (I'm very behind in all groups besides 1st), but I hate the tests, so I don't hurry to get to them!
I thought the tests were getting better as I was giving them, but the results showed me why I hate the tests.  The tests are just ten questions and they're kind of obscure.  The students have to read and respond (I read it to them, but they're just not used to that, so it doesn't seem to help much).  In class, I don't teach in a read and write format.  I expose them plenty to the written word, and they have to do some writing in their workbooks, but my class is mostly listen and understand coupled with speaking.  This is a culture of read, write, copy, memorize, so it's hard for me to teach in a way that they can be successful on a read, write, copy, memorize test and still be successful in my classroom and speaking.
I'm putting my eggs in the actual communication basket, though, and not looking back!

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