Saturday, November 8, 2008

Miss Universe

I rode from Mexico City to Culiacán with Miss Universe.  Of course I was completely unaware until I got off the plane and there was Mexican Paparazzi and a band.  I thought it was all for me!
I was tired enough that I slept some on that leg of the trip.  The rest of my friends from Cozumel got stuck there at an all inclusive hotel for the night.
When Mabel and Cosette picked me up, Cosette had written me a note:
Tía Laura, Te extrañé mucho y mi mamá tan bien te ectrañó besos de tu sobrina Cosette y de Mabel.  
Mind you, she's in pre-first, so she's still learning a lot and made a few mistakes, but here's what she said:
Aunt Laura, I missed you a lot and my mom did too kisses from your niece Cosette and from Mabel.

Ashley put it best when she responded, "That brat can be pretty cute sometimes, huh?"
She is adorable.  There is no getting around that.  Another blog lost in the blogisphere had a very long description of a whiny night of Cosette's and how consistency begins at home.  She wasn't getting any, so she was used to getting her way.  And while she's too old to cry and whine and pitch fits, she does and then gets the desired outcome.
But she definitely has her sweet moments.  She always calls me Tía, which I love.  And she's genuinely excited to see me if it's been awhile.  She also begged me to start my video of her.  I had told her long ago in September or October that I would start videoing her in November.  I want to use authentic speakers for a DVD I want to make for my students.  I have no curriculum, so this is my attempt at making a good one!

I leave this Tuesday night for my week in Mexico (as the locals here call it), or DF (day EFF-ay, distrito federal) as those from there call it.  I think it's comparable to us calling it New York and New Yorkers saying The City.  Anyway, I leave Tuesday night and am excited.  I will have two and a half days of Fulbright meetings and such, including a presentation that I am not yet ready for.  I will have more days of touring the city and surrounding areas.  Shania's cousin has not yet gotten back to me, which might be the customary proper way to back out.  We will see.  If he does, I have another offer from a Fulbright family.

As usual, I will keep you updated.
I suppose I will be the only Miss Universe on this flight, and I don't expect a band or photographers at my arrival...

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Oh my gosh, Miss Universe! What?! haha. This cracked me up. Glad you are having so much fun. Love you!